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Starter vs Standard vs Premium Packages
Starter vs Standard vs Premium Packages

This article describes the different sets of features across all of CambriLearn's packages.

Written by Admin Cambriilearn
Updated over 2 years ago

The Starter, Standard and Premium packages are different sets of features which are available for each CambriLearn subject. It is possible to mix and match the packages across a student's subjects, depending on the amount of support needed for each subject.

All our packages (Starter, Standard and Premium) include access to CambriLearn's online learning content for the course, access to our support team and assessments (Assignments, Tests and Exams).

Starter Package:

This package includes:

  • Recorded Lessons

  • Assessments

  • Detailed Marking Schemes

  • Support Desk

  • Interactive Learning Content

This package does not include:

  • Marking of Assessments (We will provide memorandums and you will have to do your own marking.)

  • Access to CambriLearn teachers

  • CambriLearn-branded or approved report cards

Standard Package:

This package includes everything in the Starter package, plus online Live Lessons with our qualified teachers, our Assessment Marking Service and forums where students can chat with other CambriLearn students.

This package includes:
- Recorded Lessons
- Assessments
- Support Desk
- Interactive Learning Content
- Marking of Assessments
- Live Lessons with CambriLearn teachers
- Forums
- CambriLearn-approved report cards

Premium Package:

The Premium package is our most feature-rich package, and as such, it is also the most expensive. This package includes everything that the other two packages offer, plus direct access to the student's subject specialist through the Ask A Question chat, and live weekly Q&A Sessions with their teacher.

To assist students in the higher Grades and Levels with examination prep, this package also includes the marking of mock exams with detailed feedback.

This package includes:
- Recorded Lessons
- Assessments
- Support Desk
- Interactive Learning Content
- Marking of Assessments and mock exams
- Live Lessons with CambriLearn teachers
- Q&A Sessions with CambriLearn teachers
- Ask A Question and chat with the subject specialist
- Forums
- CambriLearn-approved report cards

Which package should your students choose?

If you are running a learning centre, most of your students will likely not need the Premium package since your tuition service covers the teaching and interaction aspects of the Premium package. Most of your students will therefore take either the Starter or Standard package.

The Starter package is much more affordable than the Standard package because it does not include Live Lessons or our Assessment Marking Service. If you wish to do the marking of Assessments yourself, and pass on the savings to your clients, then your students can take the Starter package.

Please note that the Starter package for the British international curriculum is only available to schools. The Starter package for the CAPS curriculum is available to anyone.

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